Arbor Day Tree Planting in Georgetown

The Town of Georgetown and Delaware Tech’s Georgetown Campus celebrated Arbor Day with the help of the Delaware Forest Service’s Urban and Community Forestry Program.

(Pictured from left to right): The Delaware Forest Service’s Urban and Community Forestry Program Director Kyle Hoyd joins Georgetown Mayor Brian Pettyjohn, Delaware Tech Community College official Beth Rodier, and Urban Forestry Outreach Coordinator Marcia Fox as they proclaim April 17 as Arbor Day in Georgetown and celebrate the event with the planting of 27 trees throughout the campus grounds. The Town of Georgetown is working toward Tree City USA certification and DelTech plans to be Delaware’s next Tree Campus USA this year.


The Arbor Day event is a partnership between the Delaware Forest Service’s Urban and Community Forestry Program, the Town of Georgetown and Delaware Technical and Community College (Georgetown Campus).

Contact: Marcia Fox, Delaware Forest Service Urban and Community Outreach Coordinator
Office (302) 659-6704, Cell (302) 535-7543, Fax (302) 653-2869